Botox and Dermal Fillers are neuromodulators that are injected into muscles, which causes them to temporarily relax by blocking signals from the nerves to the muscles. This technique is used for a variety of aesthetic and medical concerns, including reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck.

Botox and Dermal Fillers at Birmingham Skin & Hair Aesthetics are safe and effective treatment that can help reduce visible signs of aging, including:

  • Crow’s feet

  • Forehead wrinkles

  • Smile/smoker’s lines around the mouth

Botox and Dysport can also be used for hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating in the underarms, hands or feet. 

 How long do Botox and Dermal Fillers last?

At Birmingham Skin & Hair Aesthetics, we find that most treatments last on average 3-4 months, but can often last up to 6 months. We recommend maintaining treatments with regular touch-ups. 


What to expect during a Botox or Dysport treatment:

Appointments at BSHA are quick and efficient! Typical Botox or Dysport procedures take about 10 minutes, depending on the treatment area. We will discuss your treatment with you, and make specific recommendations based on your concern. Treatments cause minimal discomfort as a very small needle is used. If you are concerned about discomfort, we can apply a topical numbing cream. 

The effects of Botox or Dysport can start to appear within 72 hours, and will continue to develop within the week following treatment. If you are looking to fill in crows feet or wrinkles, Birmingham Skin & Hair Aesthetics can help.


 How do I know which injectable is right for me? 

Our skilled staff are experts in selecting the right injectable for you based on skin concern.